
Practice Saying, “I am feeling….”

Reading time: 1 min
Implementation time: 1 min

As Moms, our emotions are all over the place most of the time. Aren’t they?

How do you feel when your kiddo starts running around the house just because you said, “Time for a bath!!”  

Angry? Frustrated?

Imagine your spouse is snoring away when you are waking up every 3 hours to soothe your toddler – how does that make you feel? 

Lonely? Tired? Angry?

You feel worried when your kids get sick.

You feel judged when you yell at your kid in the park.

Every single moment. So many feelings!


How often have you heard yourself say, “I am feeling tired, I am worried, I am angry..” Not very often, I guess.

How have you been expressing these feelings then?

My best guess is you rarely express your feelings with your words. 

Instead, these feelings find an outlet through your behavior. 

Have you realized that?

When you’re angry, you yell or lash out.

When you’re tired, you stretch yourself to exhaustion.

When you’re worried, you get sick.

When you feel lonely, you talk harshly with your partner.

Got 1 minute?

  1. Catch your feelings : Ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?”
  2. Practice saying, “I am feeling _______”. Say it out loud to yourself or whoever is around. 
  3. Do this as many times as you can. It could be when you’re in the loo, travelling to work, washing vessels, folding laundry – whenever you’ve got 1 minute! 😉 
  4. Observe what happens.

Comment and tell me about your experience!

PS: You can use this chart to catch & name your feelings. 

Emotions wheel

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