
Use the Magic Word: “Let’s”

Reading time: 1 min 14 sec
Implementation time: 1 min

Do you struggle with getting your child to listen to you?

Whether it’s a simple daily task like brushing or the “oh-so-boring clean up”, does your child always give you a hard time?

“No, I don’t want to do it now.” 

“Mumma, I’m so tired!! Pleaaasssee!! Noooo!!”

I know it’s frustrating when you have to plead and negotiate for daily chores. I’m sure most of the time you end up yelling or giving up or you’re forced to do it yourself (I’m talking about clean-up!). That’s why I want to give you a magic word that will do the work for you!

Got 1 minute?

  1. Think of at least 3 tasks that you want your child to do daily. Like, brushing, bathing, clean-up.
  1. Accept that instructing them to do it themselves, yelling, threatening and everything else you’ve tried has not worked. Or maybe it worked, but only for the moment & the next day you’re back to square one. Plus, all of this drama doesn’t feel good, right?
  2. Learn to use the MAGIC WORD: Let’s

** Let’s brush, Let’s take a shower, Let’s clean-up together.

Sounds too simple, right?

Why this works?

Children want to be with us and to do what we do.

Pam Leo, Connection Parenting

When the daily “boring” tasks turn into connection time with you, your child will leave everything else and run to do it WITH YOU

To make this even more effective, here’s 2 more tips:

  1. Use the power of choices to invite their co-operation. Like: “Let’s take a shower. Which dress do you want to wear after your shower – the pink or the green one?”
  2. Add playfulness. “Let’s clean up. How about we play your favourite song? Before the song ends we need to finish cleaning up!!”

Do you think the magic will work?

Try it and let me know!

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